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Top Business Ideas For Teenagers Looking For Legitimate Ways To Make Money.

Top Business Ideas For Teenagers Looking For Legitimate Ways To Make Money.

If you a teenager who is confused about how to make money? Clarity is here as you’d be learning about small business ideas that can make you money legitimately. Being a teenager doesn’t mean that you cannot start earning money.  

I am strongly telling you, You can earn while solving people’s problems and meeting their needs. Sometimes, teenagers want a business in order to make impact, meet people’s needs and sell solutions to them at a price. It also gives them a sense of responsibility. You know the feeling, right? The feeling of using money that’s yours without having to depend on someone to meet a need, especially an urgent one. 

Again, you need not wait till you’re an adult before you start engaging small business ideas that will not only earn you money legitimately, but also teach you essential life skills that the education system will not teach you. 

These are few of them 

             Logo designer 

You don’t need to be a talented artist that can draw to be a logo designer. Being a logo designer means that you get to create logos for business ventures. You can create logos for your peers who are looking to start with a small business idea. You could work for family friends that would love to build a brand from the scratch or give their business an appealing outlook. 

If you’re interested in this idea, there are resources everywhere to put you through. There’s YouTube, Google, and other social media where you can learn for free. You can also learn from someone you trust to teach you about the job.  

There are several opportunities all over the internet, look out for the ones you can do and shoot your shot.  

Remember to give it time while learning. Practise, get better on the job and start earning substantially from it 

           Crotchet works 

This is one other small business idea you can venture into. Teenagers, adults, toddlers, and every other age group there is can own a crotchet wear. You can make beanies, sweaters, bucket cap, tops, skirts, gowns, bags etc.  

If you love crocheting you can make something meaningful out of your interest in it. And if you don’t know much about the job, you can learn from people who have been in the business before you. You can also learn from YouTube and other platforms for FREE. Make the most of what you have; THE INTERNET.  

              Phone accessories 

By speculation, 90 out of 100 people own a phone and could need accessories at any point in time. Someone’s phone might need a new case, charger, new earphones, battery, power bank. You’d be getting them what they need and also getting paid for it. You could also offer repair services by the side.   

You know that your friend who cannot bear to see a scratch on their phone’s screen guard, you can sell screen guard to them. You see a stranger in the public who doesn’t have one side of his/ her earphones working, you can also sell to him.  Let people know what you ‘re doing. Cease every opportunity you get to sell yourself. In fact, create opportunities too. 

If you look closely, there are people who need the thing you’re selling. There are people who need the services you’re offering. Just look around, observe attentively, and work smartly with the information 

             Deodorant sales 

Selling deodorants is one small business idea that has what it takes to sell. More than ever before, the society is aware of the importance of getting rid of body odour. Nobody would like to be tagged as someone who smells horribly. Therefore perfume oils, antiperspirant, perfumes, and body spray become a need.  

Ever heard the popular saying, it doesn’t cost a fortune to smell nice? people are looking for that vendor who would sell quality to them at an affordable price. Now, the question is, ‘Are you ready to embrace this small business idea, and be that person your customer is looking for?’ 

           Sales of thrift wears 

One of the basic necessities of life is clothing. People cannot do without wearing clothes. So, it’s possible for you to make sales.  

With this small business idea, you can sell quality clothes at a cheap price. The good side to this is that you can have variety of things to sell under this category.  

You can also sell some clothes that trending per time. People love to follow trends. You could also sell accompaniments like belts, and simple accessories like buttons.  

Do one-on-one  advertisement or sell your wears to people via social media.  

          Hair products 

These days people are being extra intentional about keeping their hair healthy and attractive. You can always sell products that would aid hair care and beautify their hair. Hair accessories too can be included. 

Jewellery and other accessories 

Another small business idea is the sales of ornamental pieces like nose rings, earrings, anklets, neck laces and the likes. For a start, you can study your peers and pinpoint what their preferences are, then let it guide your choice of sales.  

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